Warm The Ice House
In winter, temperature goes below minus 40 degree Celsius in Ladakh and staying for few hours in mud house without any heating system might be ok for young healthy but to stay for more than 4 months for every year is not only troublesome but face unimaginable physical and mental trauma and some of them lead to permanent knee, bone, joint damages.
What if 70 year old single men or women have to go through such every year?
The pain would be unimaginably excruciating but unfortunately its not some imagination or story but infact its true and real for many elders in Ladakh. By witnessing such we have set to solve this particular problem as another challenging objective.
As there is no heating system so only way to warm/heat the house is by burning cow dung, sheep/goat manure or poop for at least four to five months, so we visit nomadic places and buy truck full of cow dung, sheep/goat manure or poop from rich nomadic families and brought them to those needy elderly and distribute them equally for free.
During our result survey in later year, many of elderly people express their deep affectionate emotions and thanks with extreme happy emotion. To view the video of such kindly visit portfolio section of our website or visit facebook fore more